Thursday, September 15, 2016

Amazon Fresh

       Now days our lives are so busy that we can't seem to make time for our basic needs like grocery shopping, so we order take out or pickup fast food. I mean really who wants to go in to a packed grocery store after a long day at work, not only do you have to deal with a packed store but after work traffic sucks. And now days going to the store at night has it's own risks, especially in those big not so well lit parking lots, also weather plays a big factor too. Well now there's Amazon Fresh, not entirely a new program from Amazon but new to other cities around the US, the pilot program been going on for about 7-8 years in Seattle WA and has now launched to other cities this September. So i placed my order yesterday after activating my free 30 day trial of Amazon Fresh and set my appointment window was  between 7 am - 10 am  and this morning at almost 10 am i received my first order. I had to say i was really impressed on how well packed my items were, the cold items had ice packs while my frozen items had dry ice packed around them. My bread was pack so nicely that it wasn't all squished up and my fruits were in their own bags so they wouldn't be bruised. The pricing was fair for items being delivered but not like you would find in your local grocery store, but it did save me a trip out to the store and the hassle of finding parking and the long lines. Now i mostly got simple stuff that I use to make lunch and quick put together items for breakfast, i really don't know about buying my meat I use for grilling online, that's one thing i like to look at first before i buy. But like peanut butter and pre packaged lunch meat you really can't go wrong, I was really impressed with the service but after a little more digging into the new Amazon Fresh i found out it comes with a big price tag of $299.99 for a year worth of service. I mean you get all the benefits of Amazon prime with Amazon Fresh like Amazon music, movies, storage and 2 day free shipping.  I really like the service and don't mind paying a slightly higher price for my everyday items but I'm not to keen on the $200 increase on my prime membership, so unless they come out with a friendlier pricing for membership I'll be canceling it before my 30 days trail is up. There were rumors that they mite charge a fee per delivery or a monthly subscription but as of now those are just rumors. My advise it go a head and try out the free 30 day trial and see what you think and after the 30 days you can cancel or keep the service, who knows it mite be something that will be worth the $299.99 price tag.

Insulated Totes

 Ice Packs to keep your food cold
 No Broken Eggs

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