Monday, September 26, 2016

Bengoo Gaming Headset

      I been using the Bengoo G9000 wired gaming headset for about two weeks now and I have to say that I really like it, the headset is very comfortable to wear for long periods of time. So my typical gaming sessions are any where from 1-12 hours at a time so I need a headset that's going to be comfortable to wear for long periods of time, I had a few cheaper headsets after 30 mins or so they started to hurt my ears or the sound was so bad i got a headache from wearing them. I play mainly shooter games like Call Of Duty, Battlefield, Fallout and GTA, sometimes I will play games that are non shooter type games and you need to be able to hear sounds and whispers from the games characters and this headset lets me hear those sounds crystal clear. The padding on the ears and head band are very soft with about 1/2 inch cushion on the ears and 1 inch on the head band, the headset has a flexible head band that allows the headset to twist and flex so no stress is really put on the band. Some headsets break on the band due to to much stress on the head band but these allow for that stress by flexing, the mic is really clear and works great in online game chat. I asked my team if i sound muffled or choppy and they said i sounded very clear, the headset has a volumes adjustment and mute switch on the cord. The cord is braided for strength and can be used for PS4, any phone with a 3.5 mm head phone jack, and a PC with a headphone jack adapter for mic and audio , the headset has a USB plug to power the headset lights but will not produce sound when plugged in to a PC. The USB plug on the headset is only to power on the gaming headset lights which are cool but not really a factor for me when I'm playing, all in all this is a nice headset for the price i paid for it. Now mind you it's not Turtle Beach or the PlayStation Wireless Gold series, I own both brands  of headsets and these aren't too bad. If you want a really nice headset and not have to break the bank buying a pair than this is the set for you, the headset retails on amazon for $23.99.

Amazon Link:

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

TNSO QY7 Bluetooth Headset

         I was asked to use and test the TNSO QY7 Bluetooth headset and write my review on Amazon, well I used the headset in my normal routine and had to say I was very disappointed. I will first start with the design of the headset, 1st issues was they don't really sit well in your ear and keep popping out my ear, 2nd the control features where not very easy to use because they are located on the headset and when you go to adjust the volume the ear bud pops out my ear. 3rd when turning on the headset the voice that letting you know the headset is on is very muffle and can't really understand if it's saying ON or Bong. Now i was using the headset to talk after connecting it to my Nexus 6 and the sound was really choppy and cut in an out, mind you i was never more than 7 feet from my phone with a good part of that time my phone being at my desk while I was working. People on the other end of the calls said it sounded like i was driving and i had a lot of static on the line, so I tried connecting them up to my PS4 to use them for game chat. They wouldn't stay connected to the PS4 for no longer than 2 minutes so there goes that ideal, so i reconnected them back to my Nexus 6 to listen to music, but then disconnected them and connected them to my ipod to listen to music while i cooked. The sound quality was horrible, no bass or mid and it seemed like the music was just all treble.  Unfortunately the headset didn't make it thru out the day before i went back to my Skull Candy wired headset, this headset mite be good for kids to use but not for me. The sound quality is very bad, the headset fit is terrible and the choppy sound is enough to drive anyone crazy when using them on a regular basis. I was really hoping to get some use out of the headset, but looks like that's not going to happen so i give these Bluetooth headset a big thumbs down!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Facebook : Pros vs Cons

            In today society nothing can spread your life moments faster than social media, we use one form of social media everyday to see what are friends and family are up to. There are many different websites and app to link daily moments and memories to the world, so one of the most popular social media out there is Facebook. Facebook has over 1.23 billion users and 757 million daily users, Facebook is a great way to connect with friends, family and local events going on in and around your community.  Businesses use Facebook to promote their services, entertainers and music groups setup fan pages, organizations setup up pages for you to follow to keep up to date what events and projects that they'er putting on. Our society has really become obsess with Facebook, we tend to post everything we do on Facebook, from what we eat, buy, stay, visit, or even whom we are dating or married too.  There are lot's of positives to using Facebook when it comes to keeping in touch with friends and family that lives hundreds to thousands of miles away or just down the street, it's a great way to help promote a startup business or get your brand out there onto the the net for everyone to see.  But there is also a dark side to Facebook, Facebook has become an outlet for privacy issues. I know Facebook has privacy settings that are there to protect us but do they really work? As a parent you really need to watch whom your children are befriending and talking to on Facebook, even as adults we need to be careful who we add and talk to on Facebook. Facebook has become a breeding ground for stalkers, pedophiles, sex offenders and other shady people. We are starting to see people posting videos of kids beating other kids with adults fueling the beating, gang members showing off weapons and drugs, women & men being degraded, porn, shaming photos/videos, fake profiles, hate pages and bullying.  Facebook can bring many positives and negatives in to your social media world, for some it brings drama, negative attention, stress and pain, for others it helps them grow and meet new people while keeping up to date on all the things that they follow and find entertaining. We all need to be careful on what we post, who we talk about, who we follow and where we tag ourselves. All these things can bring us a world of drama with friends, family and even the law. The important thing to remember is that we don't need to add everyone who sends us a friends request or post every single detail of our lives out for the world to see, sometimes it good to have a little mystery to our lives.

             So as I write this blog today I'm three weeks removed from Facebook, i deactivated my account as a way to get away from the social media norm and try to connect with friends and family on another level. I'm a child of the 80's before social media, cell phones and the internet was a major part of our lives. I hear people all the time say "Oh I can not live without Facebook" and the funny thing is it's very true, some people can not go 15 mins with out checking their devices to see what's happening on Facebook. Some people even go as far as putting their jobs at risk by surfing Facebook at work, sure it's entertaining but is it really worth putting your job at risk? I mite or mite not go back to Facebook who really knows, right now I'm building my Twitter, Twitch and Instagram following  for my side project I'm working on. Do i miss Facebook? Truth is I really don't miss Facebook, I seem to be more productive and happier off of Facebook and really cut ties with the negative drama I always seem to have found myself in on Facebook. Maybe one day in the future as my brand grows I'll return to Facebook to open a business page, as for now posting a picture on instagram or a short tweet is all my friends and family really need to see or know about what's going on in my life.

Thursday, September 15, 2016


        So what's better than firing up the old gaming system to play your favorite games? How about broadcasting them out for the world to see!!! That's right Twitch is a streaming service that allows you to streaming your game play out for the world to see, now you don't need to be a pro gamer to use Twitch. All types of gamer's are broadcasting their game play out for the world to see from novices to the most extreme pro gamer, Titch has 1.5 million broadcasters and 100 million visitors per month to their site. So Twitch gives gamer's to show off their gaming talents and skills while spectators watch and chat through out the game, spectators can even donate to the gamer channel to help support him or her. Now don't think your going to quit your day job and jump out there with your 1985 Nintendo and making a living gaming on Twitch all day, Twitch streamers have built up a following and are well respected for their skills, personally or in some cases looks. You can stream with your PS4, Xbox 1 and PC, so your going to want to have a camera so your viewers can see you but if you don't have a camera at least have a mic so you can interact with your viewers as you play. Even if your not ready to start streaming on Twitch doesn't hurt to jump on and check out other gamer's getting their game on! So stay nerdy and game on, I'm out!

Follow me on Twitch @ AndroidGod559

Amazon Fresh

       Now days our lives are so busy that we can't seem to make time for our basic needs like grocery shopping, so we order take out or pickup fast food. I mean really who wants to go in to a packed grocery store after a long day at work, not only do you have to deal with a packed store but after work traffic sucks. And now days going to the store at night has it's own risks, especially in those big not so well lit parking lots, also weather plays a big factor too. Well now there's Amazon Fresh, not entirely a new program from Amazon but new to other cities around the US, the pilot program been going on for about 7-8 years in Seattle WA and has now launched to other cities this September. So i placed my order yesterday after activating my free 30 day trial of Amazon Fresh and set my appointment window was  between 7 am - 10 am  and this morning at almost 10 am i received my first order. I had to say i was really impressed on how well packed my items were, the cold items had ice packs while my frozen items had dry ice packed around them. My bread was pack so nicely that it wasn't all squished up and my fruits were in their own bags so they wouldn't be bruised. The pricing was fair for items being delivered but not like you would find in your local grocery store, but it did save me a trip out to the store and the hassle of finding parking and the long lines. Now i mostly got simple stuff that I use to make lunch and quick put together items for breakfast, i really don't know about buying my meat I use for grilling online, that's one thing i like to look at first before i buy. But like peanut butter and pre packaged lunch meat you really can't go wrong, I was really impressed with the service but after a little more digging into the new Amazon Fresh i found out it comes with a big price tag of $299.99 for a year worth of service. I mean you get all the benefits of Amazon prime with Amazon Fresh like Amazon music, movies, storage and 2 day free shipping.  I really like the service and don't mind paying a slightly higher price for my everyday items but I'm not to keen on the $200 increase on my prime membership, so unless they come out with a friendlier pricing for membership I'll be canceling it before my 30 days trail is up. There were rumors that they mite charge a fee per delivery or a monthly subscription but as of now those are just rumors. My advise it go a head and try out the free 30 day trial and see what you think and after the 30 days you can cancel or keep the service, who knows it mite be something that will be worth the $299.99 price tag.

Insulated Totes

 Ice Packs to keep your food cold
 No Broken Eggs

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Walking Dead Book 13 ( Comic Book )

         One of my favorite TV shows is The Walking Dead, but before it was a hit TV show on Sunday nights for AMC it was a comic book. In matter of fact it's still an on going comic book series written by Robert Kirkman and artist Tony Moore. with the first issue being released back in 2003 by image comics. The story follows the life of officer Rick Grimes who get's shot in the line of duty and falls in to a coma only to awake in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Now i didn't discover The Walking Dead series until 2008 so I was already 5 years behind in back issues that i had to catch up on, then two years later AMC released the Walking Dead TV show and The Walking Dead became super popular. Now back issues were getting more expensive and a little harder to find, most people didn't really get in to the series until late after the TV show came out and discovered it was based off a comic book. So the rush was on to read the comic books and get some back story on the whole series and maybe a jump on the TV series, now I knew of people going to the library and checking out back issues but soon people stopped returning them. And going out and buying all the back issues would be expensive, trust me i know first hand lol. I soon discovered on Amazon these cool hard cover books containing all The Walking Dead issues broken in to 12 volumes, now instead of going out and buying all the back issues you could just buy the volume series and have the whole story of Rick Grimes and his fight for survival in the zombie apocalypse. Each volume contains about 12-15 of the comic book issues in one awesome hard cover book, there are 12 volumes so far with book 13 about to be released on October 11, 2016 . I was able to pick up books 1-12 for about $11.99 - $25.99 on amazon buying some used and the most current ones new, so if your a big Walking Dead fan like I am then these books are a must add for your Walking Dead collection. Heads up before you run out and buy these books, the books tell a similar story as the TV show does, but there are some major difference in the characters mainly on the TV show. You'll know most of the main characters in the comic book series but mite be asking yourself where are some of the characters from the TV show, well the TV was based on the comic book but with some changes to the story line and characters added to the show. But still these books are a great read for any Walking Dead fan, I have included the link where to find these book on Amazon they are also available at most major book retailers. If you do pickup a few of these books to read you won't be disappointed, Happy Readings :-)!!!!

Amazon Link :

Books 1-11

Book 12

Book 13 (Pre-order Oct 11 2016 Release )

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Resident Evil 7 ( New unreleased Images )


   I'm very blessed to be a Resident Evil 7 Ambassador and I'm excited to bring to you two new images released to us ambassadors to share on our social networks with our friends, family and followers, so here they are!

#re7 #atticwall #reambassador

#re7 #thebakers #reambassador